Thursday, August 24, 2006

Blog For A Slow Day II

You guessed it! It’s another dreary day here at Comfortable Couch Central, so since I can’t be bothered blogging something creative, here comes another Top Ten list or two!

Top Ten Non-Fiction Books

1. History of the Byzantine Empire (3 vols) by John Julius Nowich
2. A History of Venice by John Julius Norwich
3. The Normans in Sicily by John Julius Norwich
4. The travel books of Bill Bryson
5. The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History by Michael H Hart
6. Criminal Shadows and Mapping Murder by Dr David Canter
7. Written in Blood and A Criminal History of Mankind by Colin Wilson
8. Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer
9. The Anatomy of Motive by John Douglas and Mark Olshaker
10. Cosmos by Carl Sagan

Top Ten Philosophical Works

1. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
2. Moral Letters by Seneca
3. The Consolation of Philosophy by Ancius Boethius
4. The Book of Mencius by Mencius
5. Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu
6. Analects by Confucius
7. The letters and teachings of Epicurus
8. Essays by Michel de Montaigne
9. Discourses by Epictetus
10. The Consolations of Philosophy by Alain de Botton

Well, that little lot should give you something to think about, so I’ll leave you to your ruminations and get back to my existential ennui.

Talk to you soon,


Quote for the Day: Every person likes to think they're unique, until someone tells them they're different. (P K Shaw)


SB said...

And here was I thinking that you were "existentially secure!" Now where did I read that about you....

And secondly, how many outer suburbs boguns have read Marcus Aurelius and Epicurius?


BB said...

Ah, SB, you confuse ennui for insecurity - an understandable error in your case, perhaps? ;0)

Guess I was talking about my inner bogun - there's room for good junk food and Marcus Aurelius in life...


Caro said...

I will restrain myself from making a comment about your ability to count (this is not the first time that I have detected more than 10 items in one of your so-called "Top Tens").

Rather, I will pass on a tag for a Groups of 5 meme which was given to me by my friend Louise. (and include my own lists of 5 in response to these)

5 things in my freezer:
1. bread,
2. frozen peas,
3. ice cream,
4. meat,
5. frozen eski bricks
(thank heavens for frost free technology, otherwise there would also be a glacier in there!).

5 things in my Closet:
(hey, I actually have 5 closets- one in each of my 3 bedrooms, one in the upstairs hall and one near my front door!):
1. my Nutrimetics warehouse!
2. clothes
3. shoes
4. a collection of packs/attache/brief cases
5. sewing and crafty things.

5 items in my car:
1. 2 street directories (Melways and Tas)
2. a collection of gravel and grit that needs to be vacuumed out
3. a candle- melted to the shape of the console between the front seats
4. a stuffed tassie devil
5. a veneer of bird poo (on the outside).

5 interesting things in my backpack (at this exact moment):
1. Hebrew Grammar textbook
2. lipstick- a few different shades
3. pencil case
4. sunglasses
5. 2 muesli bars (for those 3-hour Thurs arvo church history classes when one has to adopt the "you can't eat and sleep at the same time" strategy to stay awake)

I look forward on the lists from comfy couch land! :-)

BB said...


Sheesh, you give some people a list, and they take it a mile!!!

And, no, your maths is up the top ten refers to the number of entries, not the number of items in each list. Thus, there are ten entires in each list - hence, a top ten.

As for your lists, let me see...

Five things in my freeze:
1. Lime and lemon sorbet
2. Chips
3. Vegeies
4. Muffins
5. Chicken

Five things in my closet:
1. Shirts
2. Ties
3. My first denim jacket (kept for sentimental reasons)
4. My first leather jacket (ditto)
5. My Dearly Beloved's guff

Five things in my car:
My car is deceased - refer my post "A Death in the Family"

Five things (I won't even bother with interesting) in my backpack:
1. Theology stuff
2. Shades (a token gesture in Melbourne, you appreciate)
3. Work guff
4. Assorted pens, pencils, etc
5. A couple af peridicals to which I subscribe ("Dissent", "Harpers", "The Monthly")