Saturday, June 07, 2008

No Oedipal Complexes Here!

Having just taken the Ice Cream Personality Test, I couldn't resist letting ol' Sigmund having a go, either. And, I have to say, Doc Freud is pretty well on the mark!

You Are in the Genital Stage of Development

According to Dr. Freud, you've reached the genital stage of development.

Whatever issues you may have had in your childhood have been resolved.

You don't have any hang ups, and you are able to function as a stable adult.

You are the model of being well-adjusted, and you are able to balance your life beautifully.

Naturally, any objections will be noted and ignored in due course!

Talk to you soon,


Quote for the Day: A psychiatrist is the only person who goes to a strip show in order to watch the audience. (Mervyn Stockwood)

1 comment:

Caro said...

I so look forward to SB's comment on this one!
