Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Three Poems

Wish You Were Here

Launched from dreams to wakefulness,
I lay beneath the covers, listening.

The warmth between my arms was empty air,
the shades within my heart

shadows of your parting kiss.
Launched from wakefulness into my dreams,

I lay beneath the covers, listening:
rain against my window pane.


I held you in my arms.
Your heart fluttered,
the captive bird held
within the circle of my love.

I felt the thrill,
the tremble in your bones.
The kiss was light,
yet shook you like a 'quake,

feet of clay. Were you scared,
or just afraid
I'd find the child
hiding in the dark?

In Absentia

I miss -

The eyes, the lips,
falling into emptiness,

holding onto life
and joy
and love,

onto thought
and flesh
and time,
when time spent

passes like a winking eye,
like a smile:
fleeting, full,

like the night,
like the bright
coloured light of dawn,
of the sun rising.

Like the morning sky,
like waking in each others' arms,
laughing, smiling.

I miss -


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