Saturday, August 05, 2006

I Dream of....Cheesecake?

I’ve had a strange recurring dream lately.

Now don't panic. You won't need rubber gloves or a wetsuit to read this blog. I said my dreams were strange, not weird.

I dreamed I was somehow transported, respectively, two thousand, ninety thousand, and nine hundred thousand years into the future. Why, I’m not quite sure, but it had something to do with astronomy and the future of humanity. Something about needing to know what happened to or with the stars - why they were fading away or disappearing from the sky. Beats me what that was supposed to mean. I just knew that I had to jump into the morphean tardis and ride off into the temporal sunset.

I can’t remember what happened when I went two thousand years in the future. When I was sent ninety thousand years in the future, I met a woman called Stevie. (Hey - I said strange, not weird! Behave yourselves!) She met me in some kind of transport hub: there were lots of people around and I had an impression of trains (will they still have trains ninety thousand years from now?).

For some reason, it was her birthday and there was cake; I spilled a portion of the cake but ate the rest even while I spoke to her. There was something about her that spoke of the evolutionary path humanity had taken; she was female, and I got the impression there were only other females about. (No, this is not same subconcious porno fantasy - as if I'd be telling you about those). But she was sad and disturbed for some reason; a woman approached her and either propositioned her (see the porno disclaimer above) or tried to get Stevie to go with her; she refused, and the woman snarled something incoherent at her.

Next thing I know, I'm on a train (how did I get there? what happened to Stevie?), which somehow morphed into a motorbike type vehicle (except it was silent and had no combustion engine) which I was riding at night on a highway into a lit-up metropolis. I somehow knew I was now nine hundred thousand years in the future, and what’s more, my brother was with me (no offence, bro, but I'd have preferred Stevie). We were accosted by a “policeman” on a motorbike and escorted into the city; we appeared before some sort of council or totalitarian authority who ruled the city and (I sensed) the vast bulk of the human population.

Suddenly, I was standing on some porch or balcony with a woman (no name, and definitely not Stevie) looking over a vast void lit up with clusters of stars in the shape of spiral galaxies. She told me something that made me fearful and seemed to indicate humanity was doomed despite its longevity; but she also seemed to indicate there was a way out, something to do with space and time and astronomy....

And that's where the dream ended. Naturally. Before I could work out what the heck it was all about. I thought that sort of thing was only supposed to happen in dreams about falling off tall buildings.

So the mystery remains. And it's not as if I even watch Dr Who. Why would I have a dream like this? And no, this is not an invitation to tell me about your bizarre nocturnal visitations. I disturb myself enough as it is, I don't need others adding to the confusion.

Talk to you soon,



Anonymous said...

This dream disturbs me on MANY levels....
WHo is Stevie? SOme sort of Christ figure?
Who is the other woman? Some sort of divine God creature????
What is going on in your mind?
As for me - there's no way I'm sharing my dreams with you!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmm... BB, although you claim not to watch Dr Who on TV, I would suggest that dreaming of a girl called Stevie indicates that you possibly DO watch too much McLeod's Daughters!

BB said...

Dear SB:

To answer your questions:

1) I haven't the faintest idea who Stevie is, or why the woman in my dream had that name. I'm just relaying the facts. And no - I couldn't think of anyone less Christ-like (except maybe myself)

2) The other woman didn't divulge her name (or I don't remember). Thus, who she is or what she represents I have not the faintest idea.

3) As Roseanne Barr once said about teenagers: The longer we don't know what goes through their minds, the longer we won't have to sleep in shifts. The same probably applies to me...

4) Thankyou - I have no intention of listening to you relating your dreams.

Thanks for your comment.


BB said...


I can assure you that I have NEVER watched McLeod's Daughters in my life; it hasn't even occurred to me as a theoretical possibility. Indeed, it seems more like a nightmare than a dream...

Thanks for your comment.


Anonymous said...

Oh well... at least you can remember your dreams... although maybe that's a mixed blessing when you dream such strange things! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm McLeods Daughters......if I didn't know better I would simply have to say "me thinks one doth protest too much".

Love PP

BB said...


I believe one cannot possibly protest too much about McLeod's Daughters...

Thanks for your comment.


Anonymous said...

FFS BB, you are such a nutbag!

BB said...

gee, mairmicate, you say the nicest things....

Thanks for your comment,